Sunday, 31 January 2010

Start as you mean to go on?

They say everyone has a book in them, but I think it may be more likely that everyone has a blog in them. I say a blog, what I mean is probably more like a few meagre posts about what they ate that day and how that guy/girl in the coffee shop DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THEY EXIST.
I began this blog because I used to love to write and I used to love to read, and don't do either enough these days. I plan to stick with it and write about whatever I want, get my writing skills back up to scratch.
I'm a first year Religions and Theology student at Manchester University. I love music (Cynical Big Sister is a line from an Alabama 3 song), period drama, exploring my new city and I'm passionate about feminism and equality.
I really really really hate that bloody Kaiser Chiefs song.
I really really really hate the Kaiser Chiefs actually.

This is just a boring introductory post, the good stuff (fingers crossed) comes later (other set of fingers crosed).
